Ivan Yanakov with AiMusic Chamber Orchestra
國際著名鋼琴家及指揮家伊萬 雅納科夫,多項國際鋼琴比賽得主,包括New York Artists International Debut Series Prize. 伊萬是London Chamber Players 創辦人,美國加洲Irvine Chamber Musici Festival 及義大利Siena Belcanto Festival 聯合創辦人及藝術總監。 曾公開演出並活躍於各大學教授音樂,在亞洲,歐洲和北美等30多個國家受到廣泛好評,足跡遍及奧地利、德國、英國、法國、意大利、匈牙利、土耳其、保加利亞、日本、韓國、中國和美國。
8月28日 伊萬將首次和浩樂室內樂團合作,擔任指揮及鋼琴演奏,當晚節目包括莫札持、柴可夫斯基和貝多芬的作品。
票價: $380, $260, $140
節目查詢: 3188 1087
Ivan Yanakov is the winner of numerous international competitions; he was awarded the Artists International Debut Series Prize at Carnegie Hall. He has been heard to great critical acclaim in over 30 countries in Asia, Europe and North America. Today, he is often invited to give master classes at major universities in Europe and Asia. Mr. Yanakov was the co-founder of the Irvine Chamber Music Festival in California and of the Siena Belcanto Festival in Italy, where he also served as Artistic Director.
In this concert, he will collaborate with AiMusic Chamber Orchestra as Conductor and Pianist. The programme includes works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Beethoven.
Tickets available at URBTIX now.
Ticket Price: $380, $260, $140
Discount: Full-time Students/ Senior Citizens Aged 60 or Above/ People with Disabilities & the Minder* (50%, with quota)
* For purchase of each concessionary ticket for people with disabilities, the customer can purchase one ticket of same concession as a minder.
Programme Enquiries 3188 1087