浩樂室內樂團藝術總監 Andrew Bernardi
浩樂室內樂團藝術總監Andrew Bernardi
我很高興地宣佈Andrew Bernardi為浩樂室內樂團的藝術總監。
Andrew Bernardi是英國小提琴家,教育家和音樂企業家。 他曾與許多英國著名樂團合作過,其中包括吉爾福德愛樂樂團,皇家愛樂樂團和貝爾納迪音樂集團。 Andrew長期為聖三一拉邦音樂舞蹈學院的教授,他許多學生都成為非常成功的專業音樂家,教師和藝術經理。
他被公認為是英格蘭最多才多藝的小提琴手之一。 他定期與吉爾福德,皇家愛樂樂團和倫敦音樂廳合作演出,同時創建貝爾納迪音樂集團。 他是英國音樂的熱情倡導者,並且受到已故CBE Hugh Bean CBE、Lord Yehudi Menuhin和John Ludlow老師的激勵。安德魯從這些鼓舞人心的音樂家那裡得到的支持,使他終身致力要求自己達到最高水平的演出,並且通過音樂激發和影響整個社區。
AiMusic Chamber Orchestra’s Artistic Director, Andrew Bernardi
also Artistic Director of Shipley Arts Festival and founder of Trinity Sannyi Music Academy
I am excited to announced that AiMusic Chamber Orchestra has Andrew Bernardi as our new Artistic Director.
Mr. Andrew Bernardi is an English violinist, educator and music entrepreneur. He has performed with many of the UK’s leading orchestras including Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and The Bernardi Music Group. He is a long serving member of Professorial Staff at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, from where many of his pupils have become very successful professional musicians, teachers and Arts managers. His Bernardi Music Group consists of a Professional Orchestra, Shipley Arts Festival and the Gifted and Talented String Academy. The Shipley Arts Festival has become one of the leading British Music Festival’s in Sussex and the UK. Andrew has extended the String repertoire through a series of commissions some of which have included Grammy nominated composer James Whitbourn (Stilled Voices published by Chester ), Great Hills by Cecilia McDowall ( published by OUP ), Malcolm Singer ‘The Margraves Dream’. Andrew has performed with artists as varied as Nigel Kennedy, Natalie Cole and the late Lord Menuhin, as well as being asked to play on several sound tracks including the sequel to ‘Talented Mr Ripley’. Andrew has made cameo appearances in films such as ‘Nanny McPhee’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Andrew has broadcast for the BBC with Katrin Finch and Lawrence Cummings.
He was greatly inspired by teachers John Ludlow, the late CBE Hugh Bean CBE and Lord Yehudi Menuhin, and is a passionate advocate for English music. The support Andrew received from such inspirational musicians has led to a lifetime commitment to perform at the highest level and with a vision to galvanize and elevate communities through music.